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We know you like to splash out on our escorts, but do you have the bank account to take this kind of hit? We’ve been compiling a little list of places our top escorts have been and would like to go, and we thought we’d share it with you…

When you look at some of the following, you may opt for a pub lunch and then an incall with one of our top escorts on our site. This is fine, but look at these places and ask yourself: Wouldn’t she love to dine here with me? Think about the impression you’ll make and the effort the girl will make when she discovers she is invited to join you here:

  • Ithaa in Maldives. If you’re fortunate enough to go away to the Maldives on holiday, take one of our London escorts and treat her to dinner here. This is an incredible place to eat, but you might end up spending too much time looking at your surroundings than at your London escort. This restaurant is actually beneath the sea! You get beautiful views of the sea, and the food is out of this world, too!
  • Dinner in London. Yes, we’re going to tell you where. It’s Dinner by Heston Blumenthal at The Mandarin Oriental, of course. This is something else entirely. It’s a very pricy place to dine, but the food is as entertaining as we’re sure any expensive escorts you take with you will be. If you’re unfamiliar with English pop culture and today’s chefs, you might want to Google Heston; he’s quite the celebrity.
  • Aragawa in Tokyo. Not everyone gets to Japan, but we know many of you do. Whether you’re with a companion or not, this is the place in Tokyo to eat steak! We have it on excellent authority that the steak is sourced from some specially bred cattle. We’re not sure whether or not these cows graze on caviar or what’s going on, but it certainly comes through in the meat!

That’s just three of the best. The world is a big place we know, so to list all the most expensive would be more than a little difficult. However, that’s not the point. If you’re travelling and haven’t tried one of those listed above, you need to. And whilst you’re about it, book one of our London Valentine’s escorts to keep you company before dinner, during, and, of course, after in a bar!


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